2024 Perpetual Trophy Winners

Each year the AHJA awards several perpetual trophies to those members who have exemplified horsemanship and bettered the horse community in our area. Use the link below to submit your notation. Pleas leave a few sentences on why you think your nomination is deserving.

  • Pat Hoyle Sportsmanship Award

    2024 Winner - Richard Force

    I can't think of a more deserving person that Richard. He has come into this sport with open arms and truly wants every rider to succeed. He support and cheers for each round no matter what barn a rider comes from. He is there to capture each moment for parents and loved ones too. He even represents the AHJA outside of horse shows at local high school football games. Thank you Richard for joining our community and for supporting all these riders and ponies.

  • The Little Equestrian That Could

    2024- Sarah Laughlin Fleming

    SL has been determined to figure out her new pony Otter this year and made the big move up this fall to short stirrup. At only 8 she is always one of the youngest in her division and has been competing with kids who have been riding a lot longer than her. She doesn’t let this get her down. Instead it pushes her to work hard and figure out how to be a team with her pony. Can’t wait to see where this duo go and so proud of the strong young Lady she is becoming.

    When I look back on this year and I think about a young rider who has shown determination I can only think of Sarah Laughlin Fleming. This kid has worked so hard this year! Moving up with a new pony (who has some opinions) has been so fun to watch. Congratulations SL on a great year.

    The Little Equestrian That Could Award couldn't go to anyone more deserving. SL is a determined 8 year old who loves her ponies, especially Miss Otter, and every time she finished her round, gives her pony pats. Now, let’s think about that…an 8 year old, competing in the Short Stirrup division who is out there because she loves the sport and bonding with her partner. SL knows that there are ups and downs in this sport and truly resembles the attitude a pony girl should have! Taking a rough fall a week and a half prior to year end, SL was bummed she wasn’t going to get ride at the AHJA Year End show, but she was planning on going just to support her friends and team. SL knew she was going to have to stay strong and do everything it took to be able to ride in the show. Sure enough, you wouldn’t have known SL had a black and blue hand…she came out there with a smile on her face, happy to be on the back of her pony, and created memories with her friends and family! "

  • Christie Dillinger Junior Sportsmanship Trophy

    2024 Winner - Margaret Overton

    I would like to nominate Margaret Overton for the junior sportsmanship trophy. Margaret has worked hard all year. She excels in the classroom and also in the saddle. She also takes time to volunteer and is an executive member of the AHJA junior board. She is always willing to make things happen and she absolutely love the horses. Her hard work and determination shine!

  • The Outstanding Parent

    2024 Jodi Smith & Jessica Branscome

    Jessica Branscome - I don’t think I have to write too many sentences to explain why Jessica is deserving of this award! We all know Jessica as the one who rushes down to any rider on the ground like it’s her own child to give her expertise and ensure they are OK, the one who puts countless hours into her riding working towards her goals, and let’s not forget, the one who is super mom. As a mom of 4 kids and has a full time job, I’ve never met anyone like her. Jessica is always SO nice to everyone, has a smile on her face, and loves to put her game face on when it’s time to compete. She loves this sport, loves the animals, and loves the people. Watching her and her son compete together this year has been so cool! It makes her day that James has his own pony and has started his riding career. She deserves this award in so many ways and truly takes every aspect of this sport into consideration and extends that helping hand to anyone in need.

    I would like to nominate Jodi Smith for the Outstanding Parent Award. Jodi has been a horse parent for many years and has always supported her daughter Brynn. The horses have not always been easy. The ups and downs of the horse world have been a roller coaster for sure. She has always put the horses first! Giving them everything they could possibly need to be successful and happy. She has supported her daughter Brynn when times where good and parented her well when times were hard. This combination has created a wonderful riding career that we can all look back on with smiles.

  • The Jerry Morrison Award

    2024 Winner - Guerry Force

    Guerry Force
    Guerry is the best possible person for the job AHJA president. She’s patient, kind, and always supportive of others. Guerry can often be found helping riders from everywhere, saying hello to everyone’s horses, and just generally being positive and encouraging. Guerry puts so much time and effort into each aspect of the AHJA. Any time I’ve had a problem or concern, Guerry has offered a listening ear, solutions on resolving things, or just a shoulder to cry on. We really have the best of the best in Guerry Force.

  • The Spirit of the Horse

    2024 Winner- Jessica Branscome & Wait For It

    I would like to nominate Jessica Branscome and Wait For It "Strutt". This duo has been such a pleasure to watch over the years. You can see in their relationship how much they care for each other. Jessica juggles many hats and wears them all well. Strutt has hit the jackpot with her and I can't think of a more deserving duo.